
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

cold day

The promised maternity shoot pictures...two friends due within a week of each other.

Cami is pregnant with her third and is my "try anything" gal. We did have our five other children to entertain while doing the shoot but with a 60-degree day, the park & forest, and a pink wig for dress-up, they managed to play well together.

reenactment off the "awkward pregnancy pictures" blog - that's a natural sunbeam on her belly

 Maddie and Coral playing dress-up, best hot-pink wig ever

Carole is pregnant with her first and we have lots of fun discussing birth, babies and life. We have been studying a birth book together; her, to prepare for home birth, and me, for my continuing education.

Today is Madelyn's first official "snow day" of the school year, although it's more of just a cold day, with barely a dusting of snow on the ground. 

 Maddie making fingerprints on the icy windowpane. 
(please excuse the nasty grime on my windows; a project for another day)

Cold it is; I think we've reached our high. . .

The "expect poor conditions for fishing" comment at the bottom of this internet weather page is quite funny to me. . ."um, I have a two-hour delay, maybe I should go fishing in the -degree weather"

Here's a closer look at that "real-feel" temperature. . . -38!

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