It is already the end of January in this new year. We are steadily completing school each day, working our way through the third unit in Tapestries. This time of year always teaches me hope and patience as the winter seems to have long overstayed it's welcome, with the worst of the snow still to come. The cold temperatures this week are just begging for days inside with blanket forts and art projects. Thus, one reason I like Valentine's Day. . .it's a fun, bright holiday in the midst of a dreary time of year. The girls have already written many practice love notes for delivery in each other's undersized mailboxes. And we have plans for painting, baking and lots of lace and red paper to come.
With our minds on love, what are your favorite love story movies? Favorite love songs and artists? Any unique Valentine's candy that you look forward to each year?
Today was our third week of ballet lessons.
the ballerinas before class. . .

(as to why the music doesn't seem to's actually from the room behind us; this video was taken through the glass mirror window for viewing)
the girls look so sweet!