
Friday, August 26, 2011

Make plans but be flexible

We had thought to start school this week but decided on Sunday night that I really wasn't ready and it would be fine to begin later. The girls all started their TCA classes this week and also our new event for the semester - Academy of Children's Theatre. Today, I've decided it's much better that we eased into starting rather than having everything new all at once. This upcoming Monday is our new first day of school. 

I have given up thinking I will wake up one day and be organized, scheduled, put together. I don't like to plan for planning's sake (as some people I know) but I do understand the great value time management can have upon my day. Think of what I could get done. 

Being spontaneous (read: neither of us has any food in the house), a friend and I took all 7 of our children to the grocery store this morning. . .together. . .yes, we were that group of people at the store. We got cart-loads of food in record time - those brain synapses were firing quite quickly; grabbing the next needed item, calming a sad girl, corralling ones who were a bit too far ahead. We both probably forgot a few things but it was great fun and it's not bad having grocery shopping done at 10am. 

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