A friend and and I went out last night, without our children (seven between the two of us), for conversation that actually comes to a conclusion or at least speak sentences that can be finished. Two mothers solving the trials of parenthood, shopping for Easter clothes together and talking into the late evening. One of the topics that came up was church life. The seeming trend away from casual church to the strong history of liturgical church. This is such a draw for our generation - a pendulum swing to the opposite of emergent, seeker-friendly, carefree, informal services that many grew up with. We are exchanging the "non-demonominational freedom" of our parent's world for the authority and ritual of the tried and true church of the millennia. I read an article recently that was written several years ago but defines these appeals articulately. The Appeal of Roman Catholicism by Tim Challies
Complete change of topic because a post is not complete without pictures. My sister came over yesterday with Grace and Sam. I was determined to get some pictures of Ellie and I also wanted to try out a new location for photos - an empty field right near our neighborhood elementary school. We took all five kids over to the field and attempted a photo shoot. They were so excited to be together and it's fabulous fun to run all over a field, up and down the dirt path with your cousins.
Interesting article. I wonder what his thoughts on the Orthodox church are. I have a friend that attended ORU with me (very charismatic theology) and is now a member of the Russian Orthodox church. His claim is that Rome is way off in their theology and that the Eastern Orthodox church is the purest form (the different versions, Russian, Greek, etc. just indicate which language is spoken). He's definitely given me food for thought. Oh and by the way, he was raised Charismatic/Penecostal so isn't "returning to Rome" as the author said. Hmm...